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U.S. Complete Shooting Dog Association

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2009 Annual Minutes


U.S. Complete Shooting Dog Association
August 22, 2009

The U.S. Complete Shooting Dog Association held its annual meeting at the Clarion in Williamsburg, VA.     President Jim Bush brought the meeting to order at 1:10pm.  First order of business was for voting members to sign in and proxies to be counted.

Jim then announced that Precise was unable to continue as our sponsor.  He then announced that Purina was going to be our new sponsor.  Then a quick rundown on what a successful year we had.  Next the last year minutes were reviewed and approved.  Ashby made the motion to approve and Waverly seconded.   All approved.   The treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved with Rich make a motion and Bobby seconded.  All approved.

More discussion was held on sponsors acknowledging Purina and acknowledging Dean Reinke who was at the meeting and would give a talk about the sponsorship at dinner.  Tri tronics donated 7 collars plus additional items for the auction.

Jim is working on Incorporating the U.S. Complete, the paperwork is done and is currently being reviewed by an attorney.  After the incorporation is completed we will then get insurance that will cover all of the National events and clubs can have coverage for $100.00 each per year.

An update of Regions was given.  We currently have 10 active regions with 8 qualifying for Championships.  Next was the report on the futurity.  All futurities litter nominations are down and will try to continue but it will be a year by year decisions.  Earl and Margret Drew are looking at taking over the futurity in a couple of years.  Next was the Ad refunds – they have been suspended at this time until we have additional sponsorship to allow the payment of the refunds. 

Next on the agenda was the Website.  This year we purchased a laptop and Yvonne went to school to learn web design.  (Jim had the website up on a projection screen.)  All seemed pleased with the website.  Suggestions were asked for additional items for the website.  Only suggestion was a page for each Region.

Report on the raffle, sales were good for being put together late in the year.  Rich Warters won the $50.00 for the most tickets sold.  Plans are being made now for next years raffle.  Dean Reinke offered one year of dog food (12 bags) for the raffle.  As there was no officers to elect this year, there was no report from the nominating committee.

Jim then moved on to New Business:

First up was the championship dates for both Regional and National.  Membership was the next item to be discussed.  We need to get all participants to turn in a mailing address and contact information.  This helps when working with sponsors.

Adding Gun Dog Stakes to our recognized stakes was discussed.  This was approved as presented.  The rules are the same with the exception of judgement ceases at flush.  Points will be calculated as other stakes and a winner and runner-up plaque for the gun dogs will also be presented at the end of the year.

Next on the agenda was the rule changes, it was decided to postpone this to the end.  So next discussion of the dog recovery systems.  We will follow the AFTCA rule changes on this.  All approved. 

Locations of the National Championship was next.  National Open will be held at Cooper Black, Amateur will be held on a private plantation near Wilmington, NC.  Ivitational will be at Dick Cross in Boydton, VA along with the futurity. Discussion was and voting was held on the location of the 2011 the Amateur Championship being hosted by the Great Lakes Region.  In 2012 it will be hosted by Central States Region.  They were voted on a approved.

Next discussion turned to Establishment of a U. S. Complete Hall of Fame.  It was explained that the Bird Dog Museum has two parts the museum which is one side and the Hall of Fame which is the other side.  The HOF houses many associations’ HOF inductees.  After discussion it was tabled until next year as Brian Sullivan was not present to discuss his proposal.  Jerry Murray, Gary Ansel and Ashby Morgan will head up a committee to set up criteria for electing someone to our Hall of Fame.  Space in the museum was also tabled until next year.

Rich then took the floor with his proposal of an Open Invitational.  After much discussion it was decided to have Rich do more research on the subject before a vote could be taken.

It was approved to purchase a fax machine.

Final Agenda Items was the proposed rule Changes.  The Simple Word Changes & Clarifications in the Bylaws, was approved as presented. (Attached)

 ByLaw Changes were approved one item at a time.  The First item was approved with one correction on Graham Parker’s pointer “Jack’s” performance.  Change “Jack ran a big race with five well spaced finds.”.  All approved.  Second item, choice B was approved by Majority.   Item 3 no change was approved.  Item 4 no change was approved.  Item 5 – No change won the majority of votes.   Item 6 – No change was approved, however, then sections H, I & K were approved to be added by all present.

Item 7 – Handicapped rule was voted on in sections.  Section A, B, C & D was voted down.  Item E was approved.  Item 8 was approved.  Item 9 was approved.  Item 10 a and b - it was voted on to leave as is.  Item 11 – It was voted on to leave as is.

Next came the new rules.  First item was having clubs pay a membership fee.  This was voted down and clubs will continue to pay $2.00 per dog and no ad refund will be paid to clubs.  The proposed change to item 15 was voted down.  The proposed changes to 17 was approved.

Proposal for clubs not submitting forms in a timely fashion was tabled.  Choice A was approved on the points system for the Dog of the year was approved and all trials will count for Handler of the Year.  We currently do not have a Top dog and Handler award, but we are working with Purina to set up a new program.


And the meeting was adjourned at 4:36 pm


Respectfully submitted


Yvonne McKeag

