The U. S. Complete Shooting Dog Association held its annual meeting at the Boy Scout Hut in Carthage, NC. President, Phil Culbreth Called the meeting to order at 1:14. First order of business the voting member sign in and proxies counted.
The 2011 minutes were posted online at shortly after last year’s meeting, so Bobby Phillips made a motion they be accepted as published and Earl Drew seconded that motion and all approved.
Yvonne gave a financial report which was approved by all. Next on the agenda was the Futurity report, which was given by Ted Riley, who will be the President of the Shooting Dog Futurity and the new Secretary/Treasurer will now be Verlene Stephenson. In addition they will have the following committee members to assist, Earl and Margret Drew, Lee and Lynn Holbrook, Ginny Riley and Bobby Phillips.
Phil gave a sponsor update: Purina will sponsor us again this season along with Tri-tronics and joining them this year will be Gun X who donated two pistols, which will be Raffled and proceeds used to help pay for the paintings for the Open and Amateur top dog winners.
Yvonne requested anyone having ideas for the website to please contact her so that she can make improvements, and any corrections they may find. It was requested we have a page for past champions. We currently have a partial list but, will try hard to complete the list of past championships. The insurance is set for next year; however all the clubs have got to complete a membership form each year to receive coverage.
National Open Invitational will be held in NC hosted one day by Sandland FTC and one day by the NC Pointing Dog Club, and will include a derby classic.
There was only one rule change for this year:
Ted made the motion that as the normal puppy stake is 20 minutes that a puppy classic should be 30 minutes and carry points of 4-3-2 instead of the normal 3-2-1. Meredith seconded the motion and all approved.
Next on the Agenda was the election of officers. The head of the nomination committee Tony Bingham was unable to attend so Ted Riley another member announced the slate of officers and nominations were opened for any nominations from the floor:
Phil Culbreth President
Yvonne McKeag Secretary/Treasurer
Art Mourino 1st Vice President
Dennis Beauford 2nd Vice President
Aaron McAfee 3rd Vice President
Meredith made a motion to accept the slate of officers as presented and Margaret seconded the motion, with all in favor it was approved.
New Business:
The 2012-2013 Championship Schedule is posted on line, Mid South Regional will not be holding a Regional Championship this year and hope to have more weekend trials this coming year. Please let Yvonne know your weekend trial dates and include where trial will be held and a contact person and number. National Amateur Championship Rotation – this year will be hosted by the Central States Region. The following year will be hosted by the Northeast Region. We are currently looking for someone to host the 2014-2015 season.
A reminder that the invitationals are open to rotation but you need to apply a year in advance to host, as invitations are sent out during the summer. Art Mourino will host the Amateur in VA again this year.
Rich Warters will be the sponsor Coordinator this year. Aaron McAfee will be contacted to take over the message board. Art made a request in general that more of the open championships be held when possible on weekends so more amateurs can attend.
Then the floor was turned over to Bobby Phillips so that he could explain his plan to have a Championship trial at Ames Plantation with the contestants all being either a champion or runner-up that placed in the last two years in one of the walking dog stakes, both amateur and open. After much discussion a vote of interest was taken. The majority of persons attending showed interest in this new concept.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:14pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Yvonne McKeag |